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    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 1, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 2, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 3, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 4, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 5, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 6, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 7, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 8, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 9, listing 22721616
    • Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m², 285,000 €, photo 10, listing 22721616
    10 photos

    Apartment in Torrevieja, 98 m²

    285,000 €
    • Area total: 98 м²
    • 1 storey
    • 2-storey building
    • 2 bedrooms
    • 2 bathrooms
    • Distance to the beach: 200 m
    • Balcony or terrace
    • Golf course
    • Swimming pool
    • Garden
    • Car parks
    • Underground parking
    • Fitness

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